I read once on a TripTik from AAA that zippers were invented* n Meadville, PA. Not sure if that is true or if my memory has collapsed on me, but zippers make me happy and frustrated.
It is a fabulous concept. I rarely buy a purse without a zipper. Why, then, would I sell at purse without a zipper?
I hate putting them in. I haven't figured out how to cleanly add a zipper that doesn't look like a 4th grader put it in. Since I am adding it to a felted purse, my fabric is very thick and doesn't lend itself well to my sewing machine.
I am going to hand sew.
and I am afraid.
* update, not invented, but thecurrent home of the zipper, or the Universal Fastener Company. Thanks memory, you were pretty close for knowledge stored in my brain for over 15 years.