Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Wind Down

We took down the tree on Friday and now I am procrastinating (one of my fav's!) about taking all the other decorations down. Tom was so excited about getting the decorations ("stuff" or "clutter") into boxes and out of sight, and I was a little sad about the same idea. Little Man keeps pointing at all the decorations and saying, "On", even if they don't come with lights. I think I'll be sad for his frustration when the lights are gone.
That was Friday, today is Sunday and I am totally ready to see the red and green go to their dark home for 11 months. Not sure what changed in a mere two day period.
Perhaps the lack of places to put things like mail or keys.
Or the rain and warm(er) weather that is coming our way.
Or maybe I just caught a little of the excitement of the season from Tom.


Meredith said...

Greetings from Chicago! Thank you Carrie for setting me up with a Gmail account so I can write in your blog. I hope to see a blog about your trip to Chicago b/c I am having a really great time with you here...I'll miss you when you are gone.

Joe Pants said...

Why don't you just put the lights on the ceiling, nail the ornaments to your wall throw some pepper poppers into the oven and turn your house into a TGI Friday's. Then you have no lament and frustration over anything because every day will be Friday.