Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ahh, the Lull

I think the days between Christmas and New Year are my favorite. Work tends to be less busy since most people take this time off, roads are less traveled since most shopping has been (over)done, and people are generally in a down swing mode - where the real relaxing happens, contrary to the word "Holiday". Christmas is such a stressful time. I was thinking back to some of my favorite times leading up the madness:
* making birdseed cookies with Sam
* listening to the audio of David Sedaris reading his SantaLand Diaries
* placing the wreath on the monkey (see November 30 post)
* watching Sam think real hard about what number we were going to put on Daddy's new shirt
* putting the kids to bed and crocheting by the lights of the Christmas trees and garlands in the living room while listening to Christmas music
* wrapping that last present
* arranging the centerpiece above (the roses are beautiful, Tom. Thank you.)
* not being able to sleep on Christmas morning
* seeing smiles on my kids' faces
* saying goodbye to that last guest and sitting in silence with my Tom
oh, and... antibiotics for little O.
For those we missed and those we saw - we love you. Hope you all had a wonder filled celebration.
Next up...moving the loom out of the baby's room and into a place more 'workable'.

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