No 'scrapping' parties.
No candle parties.
It is time for sewing parties
and crafting parties.
Last weekend, Gretchen and I decided to try out a pattern I found for a buck. We used "repurposed" fabric. Repurposed is a term out in the crafting world that means just what it sounds like. The original purpose and use of this material was Little O's bumper pad for his crib. I really overbought on that one! (I love it.)
So, I showed Gretchen how to understand a pattern and what some of the symbols mean and we started cutting (and cutting and cutting). Then, Gretchen started pinning.
And pinning.
And pinning.
Very lovely pinning, but a pin need not be lovely, just...well, pinned.
After a terrible tragedy and a big bowl of ice cream, we had ourselves an apron. Gretchen gave it to a dear friend as part of a bridal shower gift and it was quite the hit. Nothing like a handmade gift.
I have my coupons clipped and schedule open for our search of fabric for our 'real' aprons. The ones we keep for ourselves.
After working some issues out on duration of time, I am hoping to offer "Apron Making Parties" or "Embroidery Parties". Any thoughts? Would anyone be interested?
Let's stop buying and start making!