Monday, September 12, 2011

Do SomeTHING: Day 12

There is nothing better than a comfy, down filled-flannel covered comforter.  Sam has graduated from the Power Rangers comforter that was a hand-me-down from a friend.

We had a white down comforter that was okay, it just didn't look finished, and it was WHITE.  Sam is an 8 yr old boy with a white comforter?  I think not.

We went to (I forced him to) Joann's to pick out a fabric for a duvet cover.  You know what he picked? 

Plain yellow.  I coaxed him into a blotchy yellow flannel just for a little something something.  I only bought the amount that was left on the bolt, so was a little short for the bottom.  And since I am a fabric hoarder, I had this to piece together and cover the bottom. 
Maybe someday he'll switch it up and go green.

I will say that it felt good to be back at the machine, doing something other than taking in the waist of a gaggle of pants for this 8 year old boy.

Do SomeTHING is a month long of creativity, project finishing, exploration, and imagination.  What was your THING for today?  Leave your link in the comments for us all to see.

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