Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday Morning Breakfast Tacos

In 2007, I went on the South Beach Diet to lose my baby weight.  I liked the diet, it worked for a bit, but me and diets just don't jive.  We are like oil and water, you can get them to blend, but eventually, they separate.

Shortly after that diet, I was visiting my brother in Madison and he served some fantastic eggs (I think breakfast is his best meal).  Within 40 minutes of eating those eggs, I had severe stomach pain. More pain than any gluten reaction I've had.  It was gross. 

I thought it was a gluten reaction.  Perhaps I had some toast crumbs on my plate?  A couple days after that, I had another egg.  And another episode of severe pain.  Then, I knew.  Eggs.  Perhaps I overdosed on the South Beach diet where an egg for breakfast was my number one meal.  I stayed away from eggs for many years.  Seven years, to be exact.  I would have foods that had eggs cooked into them like cookies or cakes or meatloaf.  It was more the egg that you can visibly see that I stopped eating.  I even stopped eating a gluten free fried rice because of the quantity of egg.

Then this March, something came over me.  I felt like the egg allergy was suffocating me in a way that I couldn't handle.  I mean, I already deal with the gluten free dietary needs, and I don't want to have to deal with egg anymore.  So, I had a couple bits of quiche.

Then a couple more.  That was the day that I'll remember for a long while.  My body has succumbed to my mind and heart.  Thanks, body!

I've been eating eggs ever since...just like the ones above.   This is my "Breakfast Garbage Taco".  All the leftovers in the fridge.  Crumbled up sausage meatballs; last half of zucchini; and cheese on a corn tortilla.  I know the photo doesn't look entirely appetizing, but let me tell you...delicious! 

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